Waiting to Die

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Waiting to die tells the story of Anna. Having survived the torture of life in a world war II Nazi prison camp she lives a long and happy life in England with her husband George and daughter Margaret. Following the death of her husband and now confined to a wheeelchair Anna finds herself living in Westside, a resedential home for the elderly. She or her family never imagined that the terrors of her wartime captivity could be re-lived and repeated in a modern day society. Anna’s fighting spirit is pushed beyond its limit when the torment of persistent elder abuse finally becomes unbearable. Her plight is witnessed by her son-in-law David who fights with his own conscience to ultimatley lift the lid on the cruelty inflicted behind closed doors. This harsh comparison between war time atrocity and modern day abuse is harrowing and highlights the vulnerability of the sometimes forgotten and often ignored elderly members of society.

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